2023 November Agenda and Minutes


Board of Trustees Meeting
Nov. 9, 2023
3 p.m.
North Campus N20

This is a reminder that the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees will meet in person on Thursday, November 9th at 3 p.m. in classroom N20 at the North campus. 

Call to Order — Chris McNew

Approval of Agenda — Chris McNew

Regular Reports

  • Finance Report — Richard Stipe
  • President's Report — Dr. Rick Massengale

Consent Agenda — Chris McNew

  • October Regular Meeting Minutes
  • Replacement position: Educational Talent Search Academic Advisor (grant funded)
  • Revised policy: Course Syllabi
  • Acceptance of the FY 2021-2022 Legislative Audit Report

Monitoring Report
  • increase employee engagement  Kris Greening

New Business
  • Recommendation of Board of Trustees Election of Officers Committee
  • Board of Trustees seat vacancy

Board Comments



Board of Trustees
November 09, 2023

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, 09, November 2023 in the room N20 at the North Campus. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Trustees Kevin Cheri, Don Tomlinson, Scott Miller, Luke Feighert, Pam Henry, Linda Pledger, and Sarah Newman were present.

North Arkansas College personnel attending included Dr. Rick Massengale, Richard Stipe, Brandon Cone, Micki Somers, Dr. Matt Cardin, Nell Bonds, Davina Hefley, Mel Klipp, Kris Greening, Jo Adams, Ryan Hoffman, Tavonda Brown, Dr. Rodney Arnold, and Scott McDonald from Harrison Daily Times.

Approval of Agenda
Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved.

Regular Reports
Finance Report: Richard Stipe shared E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through October 2023.

In the E&G fund, Richard Stipe stated the total monthly revenue was $795,651, and the expenditures ended at $1,072,760. The year-to-date total in expenditures was $5,356,097.

Auxiliary: The month's revenue totaled $42,299, and the expenditures totaled $177,585. The year-to-date revenue was $808,182, and expenses were $922,750. Mr. Stipe stated the trend line pattern is climbing slowly, but as expected for this time of year.

President's Report: Dr. Massengale handed the floor to the Dean of Technical and Outreach Programs, Nell Bonds. Mrs. Bonds welcomed the board members to the technical center and invited the board members to tour the campus. Dr. Massengale congratulated the Director of Adult Education, Cherie Conner, for receiving the Arkansas Adult Education Director of the Year. He thanked HVAC instructor Jeff Smith for receiving the HVAC Excellence Accreditation. Dr. Massengale spoke about bg真人游戏注册 working with industry partner Wabash to upskill their labor force by offering courses to their employees at their business location. He broke down the class time for each shift, listed courses, Introduction to Information Technology, and First Year Experience to begin the Spring semester. The two programs offered are AAS in General Technology and Associate of Arts. Trustee Miller asked, outside of the benefit of additional education, are there more tangible benefits for the participants? Dr. Massengale said those who graduate with their degree could possibly increase company advancement.

Dr. Massengale announced the partnership with the University of Arkansas to develop Arkansas' Data Science Program, College of Engineering. He spoke about the bg真人游戏注册 Manufacturing Days and Fall Festival Week. Dr. Massengale said the revised policy, Course Syllabi. He said the only change is the new syllabus generator handles all course syllabi. This policy announces that all faculty must use the syllabus generator to make their syllabi.

Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda included the October regular meeting minutes, replacement position, Educational Talent Search Academic Advisor, revised policy, Course Syllabi, and Acceptance of the FY 2021-2022 Legislative Audit Report. Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. A motion was made by Trustee Henry, seconded by Trustee Pledger, and unanimously approved.

Monitoring Report
Kris Greening presented the monthly monitoring report, Increase Employee Engagement. She began by speaking about the employee survey results. In the year 2023, 4.097 out of 5 were satisfied. She said the goal is to be at or above the national score in which the national average was 3.889 for the year 2023. She said the full report is available for the board if they want to review it. Mrs. Greening listed recent and planned improvements: Increased communication, Extended Cabinet, and Staff Senate. The Staff Senate suggested a mentoring and job shadowing program and will collaborate with the HR department to proceed. Another improvement that they will focus on is the employee recognition programs. Employee Engagement Committee that oversees the Day of Service, Christmas Party, and Magnificent Monday/Friday. REAPA (Retain Employees and Prevent Attrition) has focused on Work/Life Balance, flex scheduling and remote workdays, Volunteering in the community, SharePoint index/directory, employee photo directory, and simplified staff evaluation form.

New Business
Agenda items: Recommendation of Board of Trustees Election of Officers Committee and Board of Trustees seat vacancy.
Chari McNew appointed Trustees Johnson, Newman and chairman of the committee, Trustee Feighert.
Board of Trustees seat vacancy: Trustee Cherie thanked the college for the privilege of serving on the board of trustees. Unfortunately, he has relocated to Missouri, and according to the Board By-Laws, a member must be a resident of Boone County. Trustee Cheri said it has been wonderful to see the college's accomplishments over the years. He wishes the trustees, staff, and the college the best. Trustee McNew thanked Kevin Cheri for his input and service to the board and the college. Chair McNew requested a motion and a second to approve the Board of Trustees seat vacancy. Trustee Feighert made a motion, seconded by Trustee Newman, and unanimously approved.

Chair McNew adjourned the meeting at 3:38 p.m.
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